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New Forest Clothing are proud to introduce our new brand ambassador Adam, The Hampshire Countryman:

Hi, I’m Adam and live in a small countryside village in Hampshire, just on the border with Wiltshire. Despite having a full time job, my passion is field sports, country sports and the countryside in general. Outside of work, in my spare time I do a lot of gundog training and teach lessons, as well as working as a part time under keeper on a shooting estate. As a result of this I am fully immersed in every aspect of the countryside including; deer management, game shooting, pest control, game keeping, estate maintenance and working dogs.

As I’m always working outside in harsh conditions, I really put all of my gear through its paces. Clothing for me has to be practical, hard wearing, long lasting, waterproof and cover every weather in-between! This could be from the extreme of being laid down in a field with a rifle at four AM in the freezing cold, to smart game shooting attire hosting a day for clients in the middle of September.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than watching wildlife survive and thrive due to the hard work all of us put in to manage the countryside. For me the perfect day would be an early morning stalk with the rifle followed by walked up rough shooting over a well trained, loyal spaniel. Not forgetting a pint down the local at the end of the day! 

You can follow what I get up to on Instagram: @hampshirecountryman also on YouTube: Hampshire countryman