Man in a green jacket strolls through a grassy field, showcasing high quality outdoor gear.

Explore Snugpak: The Name Says It All

The Name Says It All

With a focus on warmth and convenience, Snugpak has dedicated over 45 years to producing high quality products worthy of their brand name. Their mission was set up to provide lightweight, affordable kit at a time where clothing options were limited.

Snugpak developed a type of insulation called Softie, which helped set themselves apart from the competition. From there, Snugpak had established themselves as a world leader in lightweight & technical products, with their priority being providing compact and comfortable clothing and equipment for all to enjoy.



Timeline of Innovation

First established in 1977, Snugpak's first milestone was producing the very first insulated vests. From there, they refined and expanded their products, creating custom built clothing and sleeping bags using automated machinery.

In 1987, Snugpak developed and launched their brand new Softie insulation and one year later, further optimised their technology to make pack size sleeping bags. In 1997, Snugpak launched their international shipping programme to Europe, America and the Far East.

Starting in the 2000s, Snugpak also began winning a number of awards such as the Millenium Products Award in 2000, the Queens Award in 2002 and 2009, the Novel Awards for Best Sleeping Bag Innovation in 2011, the Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award in 2013 and the Business of the year awards in 2018.

Snugpak also manufactured the world's largest sleeping bag in 2014 and have continued their growth with new clothing ranges, travel accessories and machinery. In 2020, their exposure also grew with celebrities and major TV shows using Snugpak gear as product placement.

You can see our full list of Snugpak products below.

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