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Workers handling large cylindrical objects in British Millerain waxed cotton gear.
  • by Benji Anker

Country Clothing Icons: British Millerain Waxed Cotton

As a small family run business we are reliant on both our experience and the quality of our products. We are proud that ALL of our New Forest branded wax products are built with British Millerain wax. The original manufacturer of waxed cotton...

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Man in a dark polo shirt and baseball cap, showcasing classic fashion basics.
  • by Benji Anker

Polo Shirts: The Unexpected Origins of a Fashion Icon

The polo shirt is one of those fashion basics that can be found in almost every wardrobe. It is without a doubt one of the most popular and timeless essentials in fashion. But did you know that the first ever...

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Group of people in stylish tweed jackets posing outdoors near the royal family building.
  • by Benji Anker

Queen Acceded at 25: Celebrating a 70-Year Reign

Her Majesty The Queen acceded to the throne at 25 years old on 6 February 1952. This year the Queen becomes the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to the people of the...

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Two friends in tattersall shirts enjoying drinks at an outdoor table together.
  • by Benji Anker

Exploring Tattersall Shirts: A Classic Cloth Design

Tattersall is a cloth design that has long been one of the most loved in traditional men's shirts. If you haven’t heard the term before, Tattersall shirts are extremely popular - you may even own one. These shirts consist of...

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