When you choose New Forest Clothing, you’re not just shopping with any company - you’re supporting our close-knit, family team dedicated to excellence.
Unlike many online retailers, we stock every product listed on our website in our state-of-the-art warehouse. This ensures that every order is picked, packed, and shipped directly by us, without relying on drop shipping.
We strive to ship all orders placed before 3 pm on the same day (although during busy periods, this may vary slightly). While we don’t have a physical shop or showroom, our customer service team handles all returns and exchanges swiftly and efficiently. We’re proud to offer free exchanges, and if you’re in a rush, our instant exchange service ensures you get what you need as quickly as possible.
To make your experience seamless, we use cutting-edge technology to manage our order fulfillment process, ensuring every item is carefully checked, packed, and dispatched promptly. What’s more, we’re committed to sustainability - your order will arrive in eco-friendly packaging, reflecting our respect for the environment and the beautiful countryside that inspires our brand.